Hey there! I'm Taylor Govers, a inspiring Sound Engineer from New Zealand. Thanks for checking out my website and I hope you enjoy having a look at the various projects that I've been involved in.
So this is my first blog entry. I thought I would maintain a running blog on this website just to share what I've been up to, as well as providing a more colloquial insight into everything. I apologize if some of these are a bit of a ramble, i'm going to try keeping it as true to my thoughts as possible.
Currently i'm working on a suite of VST3 audio plugins with an anime/internet culture aesthetic, so expect a blog entry soon of myself venting all the frustrations that come with audio plugin coding (and well, coding in general). They're coming along really well and i'm excited to see them fully finished and presentable!
So yeah, cheers again for checking out the website and this blog!